Take your time to explore the Afrofuturistic Dreams of our featured Artists; Kyla Eliza, Kaylan F. Michel , and Serwah Attafuah. Click the artwork to learn more about the piece.
Serwah Attafah has a passion for virtual reality experiences and media arts. She created her own unique virtual reality world filled with the aesthetic of Afro-futuristic, surreal, cyber dreamscapes. The new media characteristics of her virtual reality are digital, virtual, networked and interactive.She used decolonization strategies in her project, which is a true reflection of her personal tastes and cultural background This project is a true reflection of her personal tastes and cultural background. Watching her Ted talk about her virtual reality shows us a different perspective of an African woman, beyond stereotypes. The importance of her project is to empower others to bring their visions into reality without depending on others to paint our reality for us.
"My Metaverse"
Afrofuturistic Dreamscape"
Serwah Attufuah